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I have always been drawn to animals of all kinds. I was the little kid who had more animal friends than human friends, and desperately wanted to understand what the pets, wildlife, and farm animals around me were "saying." That desire led me to spend hours watching the chickens, and cows on the farm, and the animals in the nearby woods. In those hours, I learned that Chickadees modified their calls according to the threat that they saw. I learned that our dog had a different bark for each type of "intruder." I could play call-and-answer with the local foxes, and I began to be able to recognize individual chicken, and cow faces. That time, and connection helped me develop an eye for the details, differences, and quirks of each animal face that makes them unique individuals.

After leaving work in the corporate world, I spent some time as a pet sitter through a national chain. In that work, I got to meet many different kinds of pets, as well as many breeds of cats, and dogs. 

Now, I can use my experiences to create a legacy image of your pet. I elevate their image from a mere snapshot, to a work of art that captures not only their image, but also conveys their personality.

In addition to animals, art, and creativity have been equally important in my life. If I wasn't creating visual art in paintings, or drawings, I was still creating. From sewing stuffed animals, building miniatures, creating jewelry, to fiber arts, my hands have always been busy "making." That's why you may also find various craft items for sale here from time to time.

About: About Our Store

JayCat, the Studio Supervisor

JayCat is very diligent in his self appointed duties as Studio Supervisor. He inspects all materials, and artwork for quality, and also strictly enforces regular breaks. Though, he's not terribly concerned that those breaks be for stretches, or meals. He'd prefer those breaks be devoted to scratching, and petting him!

About: Image

Take a peek inside the studio!

About: Gallery
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